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Individual package

Our service package is all-inclusive. We offer solutions individually designed for singles, couples, or families.  

J&C philosophy is ensuring the incoming expats find the best home and environment in which they can live and enjoy their stay, we proactively look after our clients over a period of 3 months upon arrival  we put together tailor-made information for each family member, in addition to comprehensive information regarding life in Switzerland.

Furthermore, we accompany our clients on shopping or sightseeing tours, and we organize social events to meet new people.

Trasferirsi in Svizzera, studio e lavoro


  • Orientation in and navigating your new environment

  • 2 h accompanied tour (e.g. neighborhoods, shopping, schools, etc.) 

  • House or apartment hunting (renting or buying) and hand-over of such registration with utilities, service providers and local authorities

  • Moving support

  • Schools, childcare and children's activities

  • Proactive help on questions and needs for three months after your arrival 

  • Opening a bank account & finding insurance

  • Local and comprehensive information covering relevant topics like transferring foreign driver's licenses, transportation, hairdressers, language schools, and much more

  • Customized information for interests like hobbies, sports clubs and facilities, recreation, etc. 

  • Accompanying on your first food or furniture shopping trips, doctor visits, playgroups, etc.



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